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8.30 am Holy Communion | 9.30 am Family Communion | 11:00 am Choral Matins | 4.15 pm Stepping Stones Service | 6:30 pm Choral Evensong
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Sunday 6th October
8.30 Holy Communion (BCP)
9.30 Family Communion Harvest Festival
11.00 Choral Communion
16.15 Stepping Stones Harvest Festival
18.30 Evensong
During the week we are usually open 9.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Saturday - with three midweek services
Our Food Ministry also operates daily.
Here is a short video outlining our various services and activities.
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Tuesday 8th October
8:20am - 8:45am -
Hot Breakfast
10:30am -
St Peter's Strollers meet at the entrance to Valley Gardens
12:00pm - 12:30pm -
Healing Service
2:00pm - 4:00pm -
St Peter's Afternoon Fellowship
7:00pm - 9:00pm -
St Peter's Player's rehearsal in Church
Wednesday 9th October
8:20am - 8:45am -
Hot Breakfast
10:30am - 11:00am -
Café RefleXions
4:30pm - 4:50pm -
Hot Meal
7:30pm -
Harrogate Harmony Men's Chorus
Thursday 10th October
8:20am - 8:45am -
Hot Breakfast
9:30am - 11:00am -
The Toddler Group at St Peter's Church
11:00am - 11:30am -
Holy Communion
11:30am - 1:30pm -
The Market Day Café
1:30pm - 2:45pm -
St Peter's Handbell Ringers
4:30pm - 4:50pm -
Mini Super Market
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Light a Candle on Tuesday 15th October in St Mary's Chapel.
As part of Baby Loss Awareness Week, Reflect will be holding a 'Light a Candle' event. All are welcome to join us between 12:30 - 2:00 pm to light a candle and remember all those babies gone too soon....
Come and celebrate the Harvest with us!
We will be celebrating the Harvest at our services on Sunday 6th October and asking for donations for our own Food Ministry....
Harvest Supper and Quiz
Saturday 5th October at 6:30pm. All ages are welcome. Please sign up at the Welcome desk if you would like to attend....
Heritage Open Days
St Peter's Church are hosting Heritage Open Days 11th - 14th September....
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